Past history: Operated for buccal malignancy few months ago..SOHND...on Chemotherapy and Radio Rx...On steriod...
CECT: S/O SMV thrombosis and gangrenous small bowel with air in wall of small bowel...
Pre Operatively on Inotrops and septic shock...
Anesthesia: Nasally intubated with bronchoscopy in view of inability to open mouth and SMF.
Explored: Total necrosis of whole jejunum...with peritonitis...
Surgery: Whole jejunum resected and Ileum anastomosed to DJ flexure..lavage and drainage...
post op remained on Venti for 4 days later converted to Tracheostomy...Gradually improved and came out of sepsis...supports weaned taking oral diet and Ambulant.....Repeat CECT...revalled no leak and healthy bowel....on the line of discharge....
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